SALSA Database
Spectral Analyses of Lunar Soils and Analogues
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How-to tips

This page presents the most common tips you would need to quickly get familliar with the raman database. The tips are organized as question marks:

How to do a quick search?

A quick search can be adressed on the "Simple search" page. There are three search criteria (by sample, by laboratory where the spectrum has been aquired, and by associated publication) that be combined together with "AND/OR" statements.

The different fields accept partial completion and display some suggestion of entries to complete the name you are writing. The 'sample' field corresponds to the sample name, the 'laboratory' field corresponds to the laboratory name, and the 'publication' field can include the first author lastname, the publication year, or both. However, it only accepts the different syntax:

with '%%' being whatever you want. The year alone will be treated as a first author lastname if it is not inside parentheses.

When you are satisfied of you search criteria, click on the "search" button to make the magic happens. Your last quick search will stay active during your entire session on the website.

How to add a new spectrum to the database?

You can click on "Add a new entry" on the left-side navigation panel. You need to be logged-in to be able to submit a new entry to the database. If you are not, you will be redirected to the login page. After logging-in, you will arrive on the "Add a new entry" page.

In order to add a new entry, you are required to fill the form with the meta-data of your spectrum, such as the sample information, the spectrum acquisition, the laboratory where the spectrum has been acquired, and the associated publication. Some of the field can be left blank, the others are marked with a red asterisque (like this *). Please fill as much as information you now about the sample and the spectrum, this will help your contribution to be visible by others in the future.

More information on the different fields to fill can be found following this link.

More information on the structure required for the data file to be upload can be found following this link.

How to edit an existing spectrum?

You can only edit the entries you added personnally. If you want to edit an entry you contributed for, please search it through "quick search" or "advanced search" links. Once you are on the spectrum description page, you should find a link "Edit". This link will not appear on the description pages of spectra that you have not contributed.

You can also click on the menu "Edit a spectrum" and search the entry you want to edit. If you try to access data you do not contributed for, you should be redirected to the first Edit page.

If you find an error in the information of a data you have not contributed for, you can suggest the change you want by emailing the administrator.

How to register?

New accounts can only be created by the SALSA admin for now. To register as a new contributor, you can send an email to the SALSA admin with your account request in it. The email should include: your email address, your user name, your password. There is no specific requirement for the syntax of your password.

How to change my password?

The password can only be changed by the SALSA admin for now. To change your password, please send an email to the SALSA admin including your username or your email address, your current password, and your new password. If you forgot your password, please use the same email address that you used for creating your SALSA contributor account and include in it your username and a new password.

(last update: 14 June 2021)