SALSA Database
Spectral Analyses of Lunar Soils and Analogues
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Submit a new spectrum

Please select the meta-file, if you have it, to auto fill the form below:

Sample information
The name of the sample.
(for ex.: MWA 4743)
This corresponds to the type of meteorite, or the nature of sample.
(for ex.: Unbrecciated basaltic meteorite)
The main mineral composition, in short version, with the proportions if known.
Where the sample has been found or where the spectrum has been taken.
(for ex.: Moon)
The visual aspect of the sample.
The name or accronym of the mission, in case of in-situ measurements.
(for ex.: Apollo 12)
The mass of the sample that has been measured.
(for ex.: 0.412)
The type of sample, for example 'regolith' or 'whole rock'.
Here, please write any additional information on the sample you might have that could not fit in the other fields, for example, the origin, the full XRD, etc...

*: required

Spectrum meta-data and datafile
The type of data.
Title of the spectrum that will appear in the search results.
'A' to 'C' quality quote to evaluate the quality of the data.
The date when the spectrum has been taken, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
The spectral unit of the data.
The intensity unit of the data.
Wavelength of the excitation laser.
Power of the excitation laser that receive the sample.
Spot size of the excitation laser that illuminate the sample (diameter).
Diameter of the detected spot.
Spectral resolution, in the chosen spectral unit.
Has the continuum been subtracted?
Continuum subtraction method used.
The name of the spectrometer.
Sampling interval, in the chosen spectral unit. If homogeneous, only the first value is required. If the sampling interval is linear, the two fields correspond to the min and borders of the spectrum.
Integration time.
Number of averaged spectra.
Is the linearity corrected? If any doubt, please leave it on "unknown".
Is there a dark compensate? If any doubt, please leave it on "unknown".
Is the dark corrected? If any doubt, please leave it on "unknown".
Here, please write any additional information on the spectrum you might have that could not fit in the other fields.

*: required

Please upload the data file containing the spectrum:

Laboratory information
Laboratory or research group name, better with the accronym in parentheses.
(for ex.: Centre for Terrestrial And Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE) )
Departement of the group.
(for ex.: Geology departement)
(for ex.: University of Winnipeg)
(for ex.: Winnipeg)
(for ex.: Canada)
The URL of the laboratory or research group as it appears in your browser.

*: required

Related publication
Title of the paper
Author lastnames and firstname initials. The authors are separated by semicolons. Please use the example syntax (for ex.: Smith, J. K.; Martin, L.)
The year of publication
The journal name or accronym. If you write the full name of the journal, please add the accronym in parenthese (for ex.: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) )
Issue reference
Page(s) reference
DOI bibliocode (for ex.: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.09.001)

*: required