SALSA Database
Spectral Analyses of Lunar Soils and Analogues
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Data format

The different format used for the database entries, the import and export data files are detailed below. Please have a look at the following sections:

I- Import data file format

For now, the data file that you import is only used for the Raman data itself. The meta-data of the spectrum have to be filled by hand. This data file is choosed on the "add-form" page when you want to submit your data to the database for the first time and on the "edit-form" page when you want to update your previous submissions.

The imported data file can begin with a header section. All the line of the header section has to begin with the characters '#', '%', or '!'.

After the header section, the numerical data are ordered by column, where each line corresponds to one data point of the spectrum. there are two or four columns, separated with at least one space, standing for the X-axis and Y-axis values, the uncertainties along X and Y-axes, respectively. Please be careful to not let a non-numerical character in this part of the file. However, you can comment a few data point by using the header line characters '#', '%', or '!'. The script will detect whether the data are in two or four column and deals with them on its own. The accepted units are detailed below and the scientific numerical notation (e.g. X.XXE-YY) is not supported.

The example below shows what the datafile without uncertainties should look like (you can download this template here):

# Test Raman Spectrum for the LunaR Raman database
# This file has been automatically generated using:
# ''
# Warning: do not use this spectrum as real data!
# raman_shift (cm-1) intensity
200.00000 144.55466
204.00000 132.24264
208.00000 135.42734
212.00000 127.95170
216.00000 119.01607
220.00000 113.29839
# 224.00000 11.4
224.00000 113.53299

The example below shows what the datafile with uncertainties should look like (you can download this template here):

# Test Raman Spectrum for the LunaR Raman database
# This file has been automatically generated using:
# ''
# Warning: do not use this spectrum as real data!
# raman_shift (cm-1) intensity X-error Y-error
200.00000 144.55466 2.00000 4.35000
204.00000 132.24264 2.00000 4.35000
208.00000 135.42734 2.00000 4.35000
212.00000 127.95170 2.00000 4.35000
216.00000 119.01607 2.00000 4.35000
220.00000 113.29839 2.00000 4.35000
# 224.00000 11.4 2.00000 4.35000
224.00000 113.53299 2.00000 4.35000

II- Export data file format available

The Raman spectra can be exported as a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file.

CSV files

The CSV file (.csv) includes several header sections indicated by uppercase names. In each header section, each database entries are listed. The CSV file can be directly imported into Excel, for direct viualisation, or in your own script.

The data are indicated by the section header 'DATA'. After this flag, the data are listed into two, three, or four columns, whether the uncertainties are stored along with the datapoints. The columns corresponds to:

III- Description of the database entries

The figure shows the database architecture diagram (version 0.2). The name of the fields may varies a little between the database internal names and the fields names of this web interface. Please refer to the sections below which details all the parameters you can enters for the sample, the laboratory, the publication, the Raman spectrum metadata, the minerals, and the Raman transitions.
Database architecture diagram

sample: name

The official name of the sample.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: Yamato 793169

sample: type

The type of the sample, between 'Regolith', 'Powder from a whole rock', 'Whole rock', 'Whole rock (interior surface)', 'Whole rock (exterior surface)', 'Slab', 'Slab (interior surface)'.
Ex: Whole rock

sample: nature

The mineral nature of the sample.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: Unbrecciated basalt meteorite

sample: mineralogy (optional)

The petrology of the sample, in brief, with the proportion if known.
The entry is limited to 250 characters.
Ex: 53.4% pyroxenes, 32.5% feldspar, 9.8% olivine, 1.3% ilmenite, glasses

sample: locality/object (optional)

This entry corresponds to the locality where the meteorite has been found (in case of a meteoritic sample) or the planetary object (in case of in situ measurements).
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: Mare basalt terran

sample: description (optional)

The visual aspect of the sample.
Ex: Apollo 17

sample: mission (optional)

The name of the mission can be put there, in case of spacecraft or rover missions, or the meteorites picking mission name.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: Apollo 17

sample: mass (optional)

The mass of the mission in g.
Ex: 4.2 g

sample: comment (optional)

Here, you can add any additional information on the sample, such as the origin of the sample, the visual aspect, the mother sample (if it is a piece of another sample).

sample: picture (optional)

An picture of the sample, in JPEG, PNG, or GIF. For now, the field keeps only the path of the picture of the sample that has been copied on the server and will be soon replaced by a better image managing on the database, using OBJECT field type in SQL.

laboratory: name

The official name of the research group, or the laboratory. It is better to add the accronym in parentheses to facilitate the access to the database later.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: Centre for Terrestrial And Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE)

laboratory: departement (optional)

The departement to which the laboratory/group belongs to.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: Departement of Geography

laboratory: university (optional)

The university where the laboratory is located. Please add in parentheses any accronym or short name conveniently used.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: University of Winnipeg

laboratory: city

The city where the laboratory is.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: Winnipeg

laboratory: country

The country where the laboratory is.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: Canada

laboratory: url (optional)

The url of the laboratory/group website or webpage.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.

publication: title

The title of the article.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: example

publication: authors

The authors of the publication. There should be at least one author. The last name should be written before the first name initials and be separated by a comma. the authors should be separated be semicolons, as it is shown in example.
The full entry is limited to 200 characters.
Ex: Smith, J. K.; Johnson, L.; Cooper, M.

publication: year

The year when the article has been published.
Ex: 2020

publication: journal (optional)

The publication journal, or editor. If the journal has a well-known accronym, please add it in parentheses.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: Astronomy & astrophysics (A&A)

publication: issue (optional)

The issue reference of the journal where the article is; this could be a number with a few letters.
The entry is limited to 20 characters.
Ex: L623

publication: pages (optional)

The pages number of the article in the journal.
The entry is limited to 20 characters.
Ex: 23-45

publication: doi (optional)

The DOI reference of the article. Be certain to NOT add '' at the beginning of the DOI entry.
The entry is limited to 50 characters.
Ex: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.09.001

spectrum metadata: type

The type of the data, between 'laboratory measurements', 'in situ measurements', 'simulated', 'digitalized'.
Ex: laboratory measurements

spectrum metadata: aquisition date (optional)

The date when the measurement has been made, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
Ex: 07-21-1969

spectrum metadata: designation (optional)

An additional designation of the measurement, for example if it corresponds to specific measurement in a serie, or a spot position on the same sample.
The entry is limited to 100 characters.
Ex: spot 3

spectrum metadata: quality (optional)

The quote of data quality. Still to be defined.
The entry is limited to 3 characters.
Ex: A

spectrum metadata: spectral unit

The spectral unit of the data, between 'Raman shift (cm-1)', 'Wavenumber (cm-1)', 'Wavelength (nm)', and 'Frequency (THz)'.
Ex: Raman shift (cm-1)

spectrum metadata: intensity unit

The intensity unit of the data, between 'Arbitrary unit', and 'Counts'.
Ex: Arbitrary unit

spectrum metadata: laser wavelength (optional)

The wavelength of the excitation laser, in nm.
Ex: 532.1 nm

spectrum metadata: laser power (optional)

The power of the excitation laser, specifically how much power the sample receives, in mW.
Ex: 45.0 mW

spectrum metadata: laser spot diameter (optional)

The spot diameter of the excitation laser on the sample, in mm.
Ex: 10 mm

spectrum metadata: viewed spot diameter (optional)

The spot diameter of what is detected.
Ex: 2.4 mm

spectrum metadata: spectral resolution (optional)

The spectral resolution of the data, in the selected spectral unit.
Ex: 4.0 [spectral unit]

spectrum metadata: sampling interval (optional)

The sampling interval during the aquisition of the data, in cm-1. You can gives one or two values for this parameters, respectively, whether the sampling was uniform or linear over the spectral range. For linear sampling interval, the first and last values to fill corresponds to the beginning and end of the spectrum, respectively.
Ex: 1.9 - 2.3 cm-1

spectrum metadata: integration time (optional)

The integration time of each aquisition, in s.
Ex: 10 s

spectrum metadata: Number of averaged spectra (optional)

The number of averaged spectra.
Ex: 15

spectrum metadata: linearity corrected (optional)

to discuss...

spectrum metadata: dark compensate (optional)

to discuss...

spectrum metadata: dark corrected (optional)

to discuss...

spectrum metadata: continuum/background subtracted

Does the continuum/background has been subtracted?

spectrum metadata: continuum subtraction method (optional)

The method that has been used to subtract the continuum/background.
The entry is limited to 200 characters.
Ex: Polynomial 10th degree fit

spectrum metadata: comment (optional)

Any additional information on the data.

minerals: name

transitions: position

(last update: 16 May 2021)